Does anyone else feel like we’ve been living in the “Upside Down” or, for us older kids, “The Twilight Zone”? I, for one, am ready to figure out what moving forward looks like. As things start to get back to “normal”, I am truly questioning what parts of normal are worth returning to. Teaching kids to love running and the life lessons it teaches, building a community of awesome people, and working to help those that need a hand are “normals” that Velocity Running Club keeps at its core. Those are part of the normal I hope to always keep, despite what is going on around me. That is why I am excited to announce that Velocity will be starting up team practices the week of May 25. We’ll be limiting our team practices to 10 kids at a time, washing our hands, and current social distancing guidelines will be encouraged. Our meets this season will be team-only events with league-wide leaderboards. We will be simplifying our offered events to focus on one sprint (100 meters), one distance (800 meters), one jump (long jump) and one throw (turbo javelin). These core track events will give our kids a great foundation in fitness and in track and field. 

We are still hoping to host a final event that can include qualifying members from each club, but how this event looks will depend on health care guidelines and social distancing practices at the beginning of July. 

As you build your new normal, please consider keeping (or adding :)) Velocity Running Club as part of that. 

Health and Blessings to you all
-Coach Steph
Register for our Summer Social Distance Program Here

Register for our Digital At-Home Program Here